Encouraging Healthy Habits at Home: ElliQ's New Wellness Features

We all know just how important it is to lead a healthy lifestyle — even more so as we age. Yet sadly, when it all comes down to it, that often tends to be much easier said than done. It should come as no surprise that for many older adults, maintaining a healthy routine independently can be rather difficult — let alone during a pandemic.
With gyms and seniors centers closed off, coupled with the added levels of stress, anxiety, and loneliness that many have been faced with for months on end, it’s now a challenging, yet imperative time for older adults to stay on top of their health. Our team at Intuition Robotics quickly recognized this, and we decided to evolve ElliQ’s capabilities in order to better support our users in these difficult times.
As such, we’re happy to share that ElliQ now offers a variety of health and wellness-related features — from mindfulness to medication reminders — in order to make it easier for our users to remain as healthy, active, and independent as possible throughout the day.
In this post, we’ll break down each of these new features — how they work, why we added them, and how they’re helping our older adult users engage in healthy habits at home more consistently.
World first Dual model baby monitor
Working hand in hand with one of the founders of the baby monitor industry, we take great pride in carrying the World first dual model baby monitor in case the distance issue.
Looking to the future, we combine to develop existing and entirely new product categories, while maintaining the same exacting quality standards

Bringing quality innovation to every home.
Everything we do is centred around improving the customer experience. Walk in any home or office and chances are you’ll be able to find examples from our huge range of award-winning, precision engineered products.
By focusing on building new technologies to meet the needs of consumers around the world, we’ve established ourselves as leading manufacturers of beautifully designed, competitively priced consumer electronic products.